About The Hourglass Project

One day, while longing to find the time to write on my regular blog Silver Linings I came up with the idea of a "Snapshot Blog." An online photo journal of sorts, describing both big events and small in my daily life. Since I am so often pressed for time, I thought this would be a wonderful way of blogging each week. It is my goal to try and post to "The Hourglass Project" at least 4 times each week of the year, random snapshots from the life of a busy wife, mother & artist.

 If you already follow me on Silver Linings, thank you! I hope you will continue to follow me there as well. I will continue to post to my Silver Linings blog when I can. But, to keep up with the weekly happenings around BBQ Country as we affectionately call our little town...I would love for you to join me on my newest blogging adventure, "The Hourglass project."

I chose the name hourglass because it is such a unique way to measure the passage of time. I hope this little spot of blog land will become just that a unique way of measuring my days and years.

Welcome! I treasure each of my blogging friends and I would love your feedback on my new blog. =)
So be sure to drop in often...

As the sands run through an hourglass...so are the days of my life. ;)


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